Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Welcome to the Life of this Diva

Well Hello All!

I have been inspired to start a blog. Id love to think that my life is just so exciting that it deserves its own blog but in all honesty I need a place to keep myself accountable about my goals. I have always been an incredibly driven individual. Ive always told myself Ive wanted something and then I have gone out and obtained it. Freshman year of highschool I wanted to play basketball but had no experience what so ever. I tried out and made the varsity team. After highschool I knew I wanted to graduate with my bachelors in business administration within four years. I went to three different colleges each with its own set of requirements and still graduated upon that four year mark. I was one of 15 out of three hundred business students that graduated with a job offer. I know work for a very ffast growing company, married to the love of my life, own a house and am proud "mother" or a great dane. Ive always worked extremely hard to get to the place I am now and now that I am here I am wondering what the heck do I do now?!

So I sat down and thought about wehre I want to go with my life. I know that someday I want to start a family but that time is not now. I want to go back to school and get my masters but I'm not quite there yet. I live in a small town outside if a bigger college town and most people who are my age have left for the bigger cities or have stayed to party. I am content in my small town, near my family, with my quiet life but because of my crazy personality I have to have a goal at all times.

Well now that I have painted a pitcure of perfection let me burst that pretty little bubble. I am not perfect and as much as I like to think that I am the best at everything, that is not true either. I have always had a constant love affair with food. I struggled with my weight my whole life and my body image in general. I am 6' 0'' tall and have always been bigger than most of my friends and peers. With that said the first year of marriage/I cant cook/eating shit/every excuse in the book has caused me to gain 20 pounds in the last year. I have already lost 5 and would like to loose 35-40 mores. So while I have nothing better to do, I am going to kick this part of my life into action so my body can match my other accomplishments!

I want to be a happy, healthy, and HOT individual. So bear with me as I bare it all :)